At AFP4, LATA conducted treatability studies evaluating in-situ bioremediation and chemical oxidation of chlorinated solvents, in-situ chemical reduction of hexavalent chromium, and enhanced non-aqueous phase liquid recovery from fractured bedrock.
Under a single Task Order, LATA provides environmental service and remediation at five active Air Force Bases (AFBs) including JBSA-Randolph, Laughlin AFB, Dyess AFB, Sheppard AFB, Goodfellow AFB and Air Force Plant 4 (AFBP4) in Texas.
Work Performed:
LATA provides environmental restoration/remediation efforts that include:
Conceptual design
Environmental construction, implementation, demolition, and repair of various IRP, MMRP, and compliance sites
O&M of installed groundwater systems
Additional work includes:
Bench-scale and pilot-scale treatability studies
Remedial actions
Removal actions
Tank removals
LNAPL/DNAPL abatement/recovery
In-situ groundwater remediation
Long-term monitoring
Groundwater modeling
Natural attenuation studies
LATA supports the Air Force with community involvement at two installations by facilitating Restoration Advisor Board (RAB) meetings, preparing informational packets to RAB members, and providing meeting minutes to the Administrative Record. The work is being performed under CERCLA, with regulatory oversight provided by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and EPA Region 6.

At Dyess Air Force Base and Goodfellow Air Force Base, LATA successfully closed several former MMRP sites.